Century: Age of Ashes Review

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How to fly on your dragon

In a market full of the team against team competitive games, Playing puts a twist on this already saturated proposal by adding giant flying dragons, intuitive gameplay, magics, and a game free to play with reasonable prices, which draws attention to this niche.

Fly and rise

With famous mythological creatures such as dragons, it’s hard to please the public after so much exposure to examples of quality, but the game brings not only a well-crafted and cohesive visual, as well an animation that makes the characters seem like organic beings and not only as a static object, this combined with fantastic medieval scenarios that were well constructed brings immersion throughout the gameplay, especially if we combine this with the epic soundtrack that sets the tone of combat that is always frenetic without getting in front of the sounds of the explosions.

Free and reasonable.

Even though Free to Play games carry a bad stigma, Century: Age of Ashes comes with a more reasonable sales proposal that doesn’t collide with competitiveness and keeps its prices within the standard of other games, focusing more on cosmetics and boosters, the game gives security in its competitiveness so that no one gets scared when looks at the game store, something that happens a lot in some free games

In a very well executed game, the only factor working against Century: Age of Ashes is the already crowded market of free competitive multiplayer titles, making it have to fight for the already crowded time of this type of audience, but with an interesting premise, good controls, and a fair store, it can attract its own niche and thrive to become an even better game.


  • Gameplay
  • Graphics
  • Audio
  • History
  • Controls
Scoring Criteria
About the author
Felipe S.
Aficionado por games, e todas as co-relações a tecnologia e seus avanços. Admirador dos E-sports e suas ramificações.
About the game
Century: Age of Ashes
