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Doom II, also known as Doom II: Hell on Earth, is a first-person shooter game by id Software.It was originally released for MS-DOS computers in 1994 and Macintosh computers in 1995. Unlike the original Doom, which was initially only available through shareware and mail order, Doom II was sold in stores. Master Levels for Doom II, an expansion pack with 21 new levels, was released on December 26, 1995.

Doom II was ported to the Game Boy Advance in 2002, Tapwave Zodiac in 2004, on Xbox Live Arcade in 2010, and on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in 2019. The release of the Doom source code has facilitated ports to many other platforms, including IOS and other cellphone systems. A port for the PlayStation and Sega Saturn came included with the Doom ports released in 1995 and 1997 for the Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn, respectively.