CONTENT WARNING - My dream is to be a famous SpookTuber | Review

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Content Warning is a cooperative horror and survival game where you and your friends are content creators and have the goal of going viral with small videos. The game is indie, was developed by five developers - Skog, Zorro, Wilnyl, Philip, thePetHen - and was distributed by Lanfall Publishing. Content Warning was released on April 1, 2024 for the Windows platform (PC).

Just as stated in the introduction, Content Warning is set in a universe where you and your friends are SpookTubers aspiring to be famous on the SpookTube platform. To do so, you grab the first lanterns you see in front of you, along with an analog camera, and set off towards the Old World, a place shrouded in darkness and inhabited by exotic, terrifying creatures that are harmful, to film bizarre things and try to farm some views. What they haven't told you yet is that you and your friends look like clumsy Teletubbies and the "vehicle" you will use to reach the Old World is a motorized diving bell.

Overall, it's quite difficult to talk about Content Warning without mentioning Lethal Company, since the game's logic is very similar: you must go to another "world" that presents danger in order to earn money in exchange for a lot of effort to survive. By surviving, you use the hard-earned money to buy gadgets and accessories that will help you survive and earn even more money.

However, Content Warning reproduces this game structure in an innovative dynamic that makes everything much more fun, especially if played with the right people - I'll talk a little more about that. The fact that you have to create content with your friends to earn money allows you to expand the limits of how you have fun based on creativity. If you just want to rush and film things that make more money in the simplest way possible, you can, of course. But then you would miss out on what, in my opinion, the game offers you best: the possibility of creating content in the most creative and fun way possible.

It's already fun to see your friend screaming while running from a giant monster, or another partner doing a backflip in front of a zombie slug, or dying in some other pathetic way. But it's even more fun when you can film all of this, make comments about it, and think creatively outside the box. With the right partners, you can adopt different roleplays and give other meanings to the game's gameplay. Besides achieving the game's goal, you will surely have good moments recorded - like, for example, your friend being taken away while screaming by a giant slime - on video.

So far, judging by the way I've written the text so far, it doesn't even seem like a horror game, right? The truth is that the game is not really super scary or genuinely frightening - especially when you're accompanied by some silly friends, not to mention other things. However, I feel that the developers managed to find a great balance, where the game can provide players of all types with peaks of tension, adrenaline, and despair, in which the vast majority will be able to have fun in a horror game (as I understand that horror games are not for everyone) - in my case, although I really like the horror theme, I have serious problems with creatures chasing me. In Content Warning, despite going through various hardships while fleeing, there was never a moment when I felt that the experience was unpleasant -.

As for the gameplay, Content Warning provides a simple experience with easy mechanics in a way that everyone in the group can play without major issues, while still being extremely fun. As mentioned earlier, using the camera, you and your friends must record the Old World, as well as the monsters and artifacts that reside there, in order to go viral and hit viewing targets. Both the camera film and the players' oxygen are limited, forcing you to choose carefully how far you will explore and how much you can film.

While the game is simple, it's not that easy (it all depends on the mobs that appear with you) and not that difficult either. Naturally, as you survive the days and reach the viewing targets, the game becomes more challenging.

The game's aesthetic is quite artistic, in that the world where you live is super colorful and pleasant, giving the impression of a "happy world," while the Old World is practically devoid of color and presents only dark and apathetic tones, with a hand-drawn texture - which, in my opinion, is quite cool and brings a unique visual aspect -.

The audio in Content Warning is another thing worth mentioning positively, as it has a very good atmosphere, with a viable voip that applies effects to your voice according to your location. For the purpose that the game serves, it's ideal to have this type of technology functionally, as it adds a lot, especially when the fun of the game lies in recording content and you want the sounds of desperation emitted by your friends to be captured. Despite all this, the game presents some mixing problems where at certain times some sounds are too loud and others too low - at this point, I'm reassured because I know the developers are releasing several patches notes to fix such errors -.

Ultimately, despite being a simple game, it's extremely fun and I feel that the developers managed to maintain balance in everything: keeping the humor of the game while not losing the sense of the horror theme and maintaining simplicity in gameplay, without becoming boring or dull. Content Warning is definitely a game you should give a chance to play with your friends.

For the construction of this review, Content Warning was played on the Windows platform (PC), on Steam. We thank Landfall Publishing for providing us with keys to make this content possible.



Content Warning is a cooperative multiplayer horror survival game where you and your friends must film monsters and bizarre things to get views on SpookTube, becoming famous and rich. Despite being a simple game, it puts you at the mercy of your creativity and your friends, making it extremely fun and completely accessible to all audiences. It is a game that must be played, for sure, by those seeking a fun cooperative experience.


  • Gameplay
  • Graphics
  • Audio
  • History
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Scoring Criteria
About the author
Ich bin Mundo Gamer
About the game
Content Warning

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