The Machine Age: the new expansion for Stellaris arriving in May

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The next major expansion of Stellaris, entitled The Machine Age, will be released for PC on May 7th. The Machine Age can be purchased separately or as part of the new 8th Season Pass. Additionally, Stellaris expansion subscribers will be able to access it at no additional cost. 

The 8th Season Pass will offer access to three future expansions, including The Machine Age, Cosmic Storms, and the Grand Archive story pack, along with an exclusive Rick The Cube species portrait. 

This expansion introduces a new Final Crisis for players to face: a formidable synthetic race similar to the borg. Additionally, players can choose to play as this threat through a new Crisis Path.

"Your machine empires are no longer limited to gestalt consciousness and can have individual personalities and more diverse stories and origins," said Paradox.

Get ready to explore the cosmos' borders and experience the Machine Age when Stellaris: The Machine Age is released on Steam on May 7th.

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Ich bin Mundo Gamer
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