Renewed popularity: Fallout 76 reaches 1 million simultaneous players

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After the arrival of the Fallout series on Prime Video, the games in the franchise are experiencing a resurgence in popularity, reflected in the best-selling and most played lists on various platforms.

In a gesture of gratitude to the fans and to highlight the impressive impact of the series, Bethesda shared on social media that over 1 million players were active in Fallout 76 in a single day. In addition, the total number of players in all Fallout titles exceeded the 5 million mark in a single day.

Further highlighting the success, Fallout 76 recently recorded almost 74 thousand simultaneous players on Steam. This number is remarkable, especially considering that the game was released almost six years ago, contrasting significantly with the nearly 18 thousand simultaneous players recorded at its launch.

These impressive numbers demonstrate the lasting impact and continuous appeal of the Fallout series among players, showing that its influence on gaming culture remains strong even after so many years.

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Ich bin Mundo Gamer
About the game
Fallout 76

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