Massive Street Fighter 6 Leaks Acknowledged by Capcom

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You know, it's hard not to feel sorry for Capcom on this one. Just a few days ago, it unveiled Street Fighter 6 to the world via a fantastic trailer that aired during Sony's State of Play broadcast. The upcoming PS5 and PS4 brawler looks like an absolute knockout, and it's had fans going wild ever since. But within a mere 24 hours of the big reveal, what seemed to be the game's entire launch roster leaked, complete with artwork for each character.

Obviously we're all familiar with video game leaks, but this was on a scale that we rarely see. We didn't report on the leaks because it honestly seemed a bit unfair; modern fighting games spend months drip feeding information and announcing characters one by one — it's a tried and tested blueprint for building hype. But Street Fighter 6's road to release has been completely blown apart by the leaks — everyone already knows which characters are locked in.

Is it cool knowing that your favourite fighters are making a return? Of course, and the general reaction to the leaks has been overwhelmingly positive — mostly because it looks like a rock solid roster, and the new character designs are largely excellent. But it's still a real blow for Capcom going forward.

The developer's taking it pretty well, though. It's published a tweet that outright acknowledges the leaks, which is something that we very rarely see.

Source: PushSquare

About the author
Felipe S.
Aficionado por games, e todas as co-relações a tecnologia e seus avanços. Admirador dos E-sports e suas ramificações.
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Street Fighter 6
Street Fighter 6

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