8 New GTA Trilogy PS5, PS4 Screenshots Show Off Improvements

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There’s less than a week until the GTA Trilogy releases on the PlayStation 5 and PS4, and label Rockstar is behaving customarily coy. Despite preloads from the PS Store already being live, the publisher has settled for a single 60 second trailer of these titles – and we still don’t know how much of the soundtracks will be intact, or how the new control schemes will work.

At least a bunch of new screenshots, spotted and shared by GTA Net, have surfaced online. These span all three titles – GTA 3GTA Vice City, and GTA San Andreas – and we reckon it’s looking pretty good, don’t you?

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GTA Trilogy New Screenshots 7GTA Trilogy New Screenshots 8




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Toma Jogos de café da manha, almoça jogos e janta jogos, durante o tempo livre também joga jogos.
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Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition

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