7 Days to Die leaves early access after over a decade

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After more than a decade since its initial release on Early Access on Steam, 7 Days to Die is finally moving out of this phase with the long-awaited 1.0 update, marking a new era for the open-world zombie survival game. 

However, this transition brings challenges for console players, who will have to purchase the game again to access the new features. 

The 1.0 update, scheduled for June with an early experimental release in May, also brought an increase in the game's price to $45, although it is currently available for $6 before the major update. However, for console players, the news was not as exciting. 

The 2016 versions of 7 Days to Die for PS4 and Xbox One were developed by Iron Galaxy and published by Telltale Games. After Telltale's bankruptcy in 2017, the console ports were abandoned and never updated by The Fun Pimps, even after taking over in 2019. Now, with the arrival of version 1.0, console players will have to purchase the game again to enjoy the new content, as the old versions will not be updated. 

The justification for this decision is claimed to be "significant technical differences between old and current console hardware." Although players who already own the game can continue playing, new players will have to acquire the new console keys. "

This decision has divided opinions in the community, with some understanding the situation, while others question the need to repurchase a game they already owned.

Despite the challenges faced by the console ports, The Fun Pimps promise to continue supporting both versions in the years to come after the 1.0 release, with new features and content planned. It remains to be seen whether this time the console versions will receive the necessary support for a longer period.

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Ich bin Mundo Gamer

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