Valorant’s newest Agent, Astra, revealed

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Valorant is getting a new agent for its upcoming Act, and her name is Astra. Riot Games revealed Astra’s ability kit on Sunday, and it’s full of cosmic powers, as well as a few familiar effects.


Astra’s kit mostly revolves around placing Stars around the map. Stars are small throwable projectiles, which Astra can use to create different effects. To place a Star, Astra has to shift into her Astral Form, with which she can place them anywhere on the map.


Once a Star is down, Astra can activate it with her other abilities to give it certain effects. One effect makes a concussive blast in a small area around the star, leaving enemies dazed after it explodes. Another creates a small smoke cloud, sort of like a remote-activated smoke grenade. Another of her abilities, Gravity Well, briefly pulls in nearby players before exploding and giving them a debuff that causes them to take more damage.


Source: Polygon

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Felipe S.
Aficionado por games, e todas as co-relações a tecnologia e seus avanços. Admirador dos E-sports e suas ramificações.
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