The Latest Patch For The Last of Us Remastered Reduced Loading Times By Over 70% On PS4

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The new consoles are only a few weeks away and both the PS5 and Xbox Series X will have much faster loading times. But you don’t need a new console to experience incredible loading speeds after an update for The Last of Us Remastered on PS4. Now the game only takes 14 seconds to load from a save. Before the update that took about two minutes.


First spotted by Last of Us speedrunner Anthony Calabrese, patch 1.11 for The Last of Remastered decreased loading times across nearly every part of the game. Loading the game from the main menu, from a save and more are all much, much faster.



How much faster? A LOT. YouTuber ElAnalistaDeBits thankfully uploaded a video comparing the pre-patch and post-patch versions of Last of Us Remastered and the results are sort of hard to believe. For example, before the patch the very first loading screen, before you start even the game, took just over a minute and a half. Now, that same loading sequence takes less than 14 seconds.



What’s going on here? The patch notes for this update say nothing about improving loading times or speeds. So did Naughty Dog make a deal with the Devil to get these speeds on the old PS4? Or maybe they snuck into our homes and replaced our PS4 hard drives with SSDs? Probably not either of those.


Source: Kotaku

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Rockstar Games fan!
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The Last of Us Remastered

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