Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem Trophy List Suggests PS5 Release is Incoming

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Puts the "boom" in boomer shooter.

Serious Sam is the kind of series that you just can't help but root for, reliably shipping bombastic boomer shooters that are always good for a fun co-op romp. Serious Sam 4 is the latest mainline entry in the series, with standalone expansion Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem releasing earlier this year exclusively on PC. It sounds like a release date for the PS5 version of the game is imminent, though, with the trophy list for the title popping up over on Exophase.

There are 50 trophies in total, including eight Silver, two Gold and the ever-sought-after Platinum. The majority of the list seems reasonably achievable, provided you are patient and have a buddy available for some co-op grinding. We will keep an eye out for more on this one, although knowing our luck, it will be slated for release in Q1, 2023. You can check out a very metal trailer for the PC version of Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem below:



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Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem

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