Salt and Sacrifice Confirmed for PS5 and PS4, Out Next Year

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Salt and Sanctuary developer Ska Studios is making a sequel to its hit 2D Souls-like, titled Salt and Sacrifice. Confirmed through a trailer at Summer Game Fest: Kickoff Live, it'll hit PlayStation 5 and PS4 at some point next year. Check out the reveal trailer above.


Salt and Sacrifice is the upcoming follow-up to the hardcore action RPG platformer, Salt and Sanctuary. Explore a new era and region, as well as a new role: a Marked Inquisitor. A Marked Inquisitor is a criminal condemned, yet spared the hand of justice in exchange for a lifetime of service in the unending war against Mages: twisted, irredeemable creatures of elemental malice.


Footage focuses heavily on gameplay, showcasing how the team has improved both the visuals as well as gameplay enhancements.




Source: PushSquare

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Felipe S.
Aficionado por games, e todas as co-relações a tecnologia e seus avanços. Admirador dos E-sports e suas ramificações.

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