Rocket League Takes a Nice Shot with the BMW M240i

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Coming this week


Rocket League, once a scrappy online multiplayer game designed as a successor to Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle Cars, quickly evolved into a gaming phenomenon – and that’s why you now see brand crossovers, like this BMW one. Starting from 4th November, the BMW M240i will be available for a “limited time” within the title’s in-game store.



“The BMW M240i comes with BMW M240i Wheels, the signature Thundernight Metallic Decal, United in Rivalry Animated Decal that changes colour when going supersonic, Bavarian Hat Topper, and the BMW Player Banner,” the blurb from Psyonix reads. “Plus, the BMW M240i is customisable with other Rocket League items.”


Let’s be honest, it looks amazing in the game, doesn’t it?


Source: Youtube




About the author
Just a Sith Lord seeking for the ultimate cookie, found only in the depths of the dark side of the force.

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