PSVR Time Travel Title Wanderer May Be Worth Untangled Your Headset's Cables For

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Wanderer looks truly fantastic! This PSVR exclusive takes you through time to pivotal moments in history, where you must reshape the outcome of events to save humanity. There are some really unique moments showcased in the trailer, such as walking on the moon and playing drums in front of a packed-out crowd at a festival. It looks truly fascinating, and unlike anything we’ve seen on PSVR before.

The game’s out now on the PS Store, and promising “a unique blend of escape room style puzzles, tactile hands on interactions, and action arcade sequences to bring you the ultimate time travel adventure”. We do love time travel stories, and they’re even more immersive in virtual reality. Will you be untangling your headset’s spaghetti of cables in order to give this a go?

Source: PushSquare

About the author
Felipe S.
Aficionado por games, e todas as co-relações a tecnologia e seus avanços. Admirador dos E-sports e suas ramificações.
About the game
  • Release date:
  • Developer(s): Oddboy
  • Publisher(s): Oddboy
  • Game mode(s):
  • Platform(s):

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