Pokémon Go is having a 3-month long celebration of the seasons

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Pokémon Go is hosting a huge in-game event, The Season of Celebration, from Dec. 1 until March 1.


While not all of the exact details of the event were given in the news release published Monday, Niantic notes that different regions in the Pokémon world will be celebrated, allowing players to see different Pokémon around. Some Pokémon will also spawn more often depending on the hemisphere you live in. Northern Hemisphere players will see icey Pokémon like Seel, Lapras, Alolan Sandshrew, and the like, whereas Southern Hemisphere players will see more fiery Pokémon, like Growlithe and Darumaka.


Notably, the big December Community Day event has been announced for Dec. 12 and 13. The event will take place over two days and will feature Pokémon from 2019 and 2020 Community Days. The full details haven’t been explained, but we can bet that each day will have its own specific spawns.


Pokémon from the Kalos region will also start appearing on Dec. 2, with increased appearances from spawns, eggs, and raids until Dec. 8.


Source: Polygon

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Felipe S.
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