Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl's Graphics Compared To The Original Games

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Late last week, Nintendo announced remakes of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. The original games were released in 2007 on the Nintendo DS, while the remakes will be out on the Switch this year. 


Plus, the new versions will not be developed by Game Freak, but rather, ILCA (the games’ original director, Junichi Masuda, will be overseeing the project, however).


So, of course, there are going to be differences! But there will also be similarities. We don’t have that much footage of the remakes, but that which we do is compared to the original games in the clip below:



Source: Kotaku

About the author
Felipe S.
Aficionado por games, e todas as co-relações a tecnologia e seus avanços. Admirador dos E-sports e suas ramificações.
About the game
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond

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