PlayStation Now Has a Lexicon for Gaming Terms You May Not Understand

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We live in a bubble here at Push Square, we really do. As long-time gaming enthusiasts, we know our ADS from our FPS [Well, technically that could be first-person shooter or frames-per-second – Ed] but not everyone does. That’s why we reckon it’s cool that Sony has compiled a lexicon for gaming phrases and acronyms that you may not actually understand.

The Urban Dictionary for PS5 and PS4 explains terms like DPS, End Game, and even – shudder – Git Good. It’s surprisingly earnest and thoughtfully presented, and we daresay it may help a few new gamers out – we even learned a thing or two reading through the page, like the meaning of “ganking”, which was a new one on us.

Source: PushSquare

About the author
Felipe S.
Aficionado por games, e todas as co-relações a tecnologia e seus avanços. Admirador dos E-sports e suas ramificações.

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