PlayStation believes that consoles like the Xbox Series S won't have great results

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Xbox Series S: 8 novos detalhes que descobrimos


PlayStation considered introducing a PlayStation 5 with lower specs, an alternative for consumers in the style of what Microsoft did with the Xbox Series S, but feared it would be a problematic product.


Jim Ryan, PlayStation CEO, admitted that they thought about that possibility, but the division's research revealed that consoles with reduced specs, even at a reduced price, do not have good results.


According to Ryan commented in a recent interview with Japanese AV Watch, this approach would not be the best for the company, despite respecting the competition's plans.


"The first thing I want to say is that I respect competition decisions and philosophies. Price is clearly a very important factor. We respect the competitive strategies of other companies. However, we are fully dedicated and believe in our current strategy and the effect it will have."


"One thing that can be said is that if you look at the history in the video game business, creating a special low-priced console with reduced specifications is something that has not had good results in the past. We thought about that option and saw other executives who tried this , find out how problematic it is. "


Ryan says that the research carried out reveals that people who want to buy a console want to use it for 4 or even 7 years, "want to believe that buying something resistant to the future and will not be outdated in 2 to 3 years."


Despite presenting two PS5 models, the only difference will be the physical disc player and the specifications are the same, while the Xbox will launch the Xbox Series S for 299 euros, weaker than the Xbox Series X for 499 euros. Two different strategies and it will be up to the future to say if Ryan is right.




Fonte: Eurogamer

About the author
Felipe S.
Aficionado por games, e todas as co-relações a tecnologia e seus avanços. Admirador dos E-sports e suas ramificações.

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