Nintendo releases a trailer providing an overview of Super Mario RPG

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The trailer is nearly five minutes long

Nintendo has unveiled a new trailer for Super Mario RPG, featuring nearly five minutes of content, offering a comprehensive look at the game coming to the Nintendo Switch in November.

In Super Mario RPG, Mario, Bowser, and Peach join forces to restore the Star Road. The remake introduces new graphics and the addition of cinematic sequences, which is an exciting addition.

In addition to the improvements and enhancements, the game brings several updates, including the ability to switch between the original and updated soundtracks, as well as a bestiary to provide more information about the different characters encountered in the game.

You'll have the option to play the game in an easy mode if you're facing difficulties or simply want to enjoy the story. An autosave feature has been added to prevent you from losing hours of progress if you forget to save, as was the case in the original title.

The game also features a "rematch" mode, allowing you to take on the bosses once more.

Battles offer new elements as well, including a meter that fills as your team performs moves, and once it's full, you can receive various rewards.

The game is a remake of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, originally released for the Super Nintendo.

Super Mario RPG is set to be released on the Nintendo Switch on November 17.

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Lucas Augusto
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Super Mario RPG
Super Mario RPG

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