Nintendo Confirms Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp Will Include Online Support
More will be revealed soon.
Apart from Metroid Dread, one of the other standout announcements of Nintendo's E3 Direct was the return of the Advance Wars games from the GBA generation.
Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp is being made by the Shantae developer WayForward and has had a facelift (as you probably already noticed), but apart from this, we don't know much else about this updated two-in-one release.
At the end of the Nintendo Treehouse Advance Wars segment, Nintendo of America's representatives confirmed the Re-Boot would include "online gameplay" - with more details about it coming soon. It was also briefly mentioned how there would be support for "up to four players".
Over on Nintendo's official game page, it's mentioned how up to four players will be able to battle each other across dozens of maps, and that online play will require users to have a Nintendo Switch Online membership. Adding to this, the eShop listing says the game is 1-2 players online, and 2-4 players via local wireless.
Obviously, online play wasn't part of the original GBA titles, so it's great to see this modern take including these newer features.
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About the game
Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp
- Release date: April 21, 2023
- Developer(s): WayForward Technologies Inc.
- Publisher(s):
- Game mode(s): Single player, Multiplayer
- Platform(s): Nintendo Switch
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