New OlliOlli World Trailer Will Have You Pining for an Animated Series

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The art style in OlliOlli World feels clearly inspired by modern cartoons, so for its latest trailer, publisher Private Division has turned it into one. Embedded above is the new cinematic trailer for the side-scrolling skateboarding game, and it's fantastic.

The video really sets the tone for the game, showing off the wide range of characters and the style it's trying to evoke. It's all very Adventure Time, but it's a great execution.

Fortunately, the game itself is shaping up very nicely, too. We got to play a near-final build recently, and came away feeling super-impressed. Like every other game in the world, it's launching this February — the 8th, to be exact — on PlayStation 5 and PS4.

Source: PushSquare.

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Toma Jogos de café da manha, almoça jogos e janta jogos, durante o tempo livre também joga jogos.
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OlliOlli World

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