NEO: The World Ends with You launches July 27 on PS4 and Switch, is also headed to PC

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Square Enix has dropped a double helping of exciting news regarding NEO: The World Ends with You. Not only has the publisher announced via its press hub that the uber-cool JRPG sequel is launching July 27 on PS4 and Nintendo Switch, but Squeeeenix also revealed the existence of a PC port, which is scheduled to arrive later this summer.



NEO: The World Ends with You is the long-awaited sequel to its dimension-jumping predecessor, which launched on Nintendo DS way back in 2007. The new title will see a new gang of over-stylized youths trapped in an alternate Shibuya - The UG - where the youngsters are thrust together before being forced to take on another round of the notorious "Reapers' Game".


Led by the affable Rindo, our new gang of heroes include the studious Nagi, the happy-go-lucky Fret, veteran game-player Shiba, and the mysterious and somewhat familiar Minamimoto. But there's no time for introductions, as this party of strangers must learn to work together if they are to battle the psychic, demonic force known as "The Noise", defeat the Reapers' Game, and return to some semblance of reality.


It's been a very long wait for TWEWY fans, but NEO is already shaping up to be a worthy sequel. The inimitable slick style of designers Tetsuya Noumra, Gen Kobayashi, and Miki Yamashita is already in full effect, while series composer Takeharu Ishimoto will be returning to the fold, (despite having left Square Enix) to score this new trip into The UG. The PC port is merely icing on the cake. Summer feels a long, long way away.


Source: Destructoid

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Felipe S.
Aficionado por games, e todas as co-relações a tecnologia e seus avanços. Admirador dos E-sports e suas ramificações.
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NEO: The World Ends with You

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