My Name Is Mayo 3 Rounds Out the Trilogy on 17th May on PS5, PS4

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The My Name Is Mayo series is one with a close connection to PlayStation. The first game arrived on PS4 in 2017, wowing players and critics with its jar-clicking gameplay and swift path to a Platinum Trophy. It was followed in 2020 by My Name Is Mayo 2, which offered even more of the iconic facts, mini-games, and storylines. Now, Green Lava Studios is preparing for the release of the third — and final — game in this storied franchise, My Name Is Mayo 3.

The profound teaser trailer above sets the stage for the upcoming title, but more recently, the developer has announced not only that the game has gone gold, but that it now has a release date — and it's coming up very soon indeed:

Yes, you'll be able to click a jar of mayonnaise to your heart's content on 17th May 2022. What's more, this game marks the series' debut on PS5. There's no word on whether it'll take advantage of DualSense's haptic feedback and triggers, but hopefully it'll make the most of the current-gen hardware and its controller.

Like the other games, this will assuredly be another extremely easy Platinum for the Trophy hunters among you. Will you be playing My Name Is Mayo 3?

Source: PushSquare

About the author
Felipe S.
Aficionado por games, e todas as co-relações a tecnologia e seus avanços. Admirador dos E-sports e suas ramificações.
About the game
My Name is Mayo 3
My Name is Mayo 3
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