Kao the Kangaroo Is Bouncing Back in PS5, PS4 Reboot

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Here's a blast from the past. Who remembers Kao the Kangaroo? This obscure platforming mascot debuted back in the early 00s, winning a cult following thanks to its simple but charming adventures. Tate Multimedia, developer and publisher of the previous entries, has announced the return of the boxing glove-clad marsupial, and you can catch a glimpse in the above trailer.

Simply named Kao the Kangaroo, this is a brand new game in the series for the modern day, and it looks to be another colourful, light-hearted action platformer. You'll be running about in natural environments, collecting coins, and beating up baddies. It's taking a suitably cartoonish aesthetic, and looks to be a fun time from what little is shown.

The game is hopping onto PlayStation 5 and PS4 this summer.

Source: PushSquare

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Felipe S.
Aficionado por games, e todas as co-relações a tecnologia e seus avanços. Admirador dos E-sports e suas ramificações.
About the game
Kao the Kangaroo

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