Jurassic World Evolution 2 Coming This Year

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Today during Geoff Keighley’s Summer Games Fest, a different Jeff—one of the Goldblum variety—announced Jurassic Park Evolution 2.


Jeff introduced the new game to Geoff, saying that it will “elevate you to new heights, submerge you to new depths, and maybe even challenge you to control chaos.” He also said “world premiere” in a very hammy, Jeff Goldblum sort of way.


The trailer featured Goldblum, with the beloved actor saying that we “played with genetics like it was a toy” while dinosaurs soared and strutted around a forested locale. At the end, there was a shot of an undersea dinosaur, something that was not present in the original Jurassic Park Evolution.


The first game came out in 2018. At the time, we called it a “clumsy but fun park builder.” As you’d expect, it let you build your own dinosaur theme park, and it seems like Jurassic Park Evolution 2 will as well—but bigger, better, and more. One of the main appeals of dinosaurs is that they’re big, so how can making them bigger go wrong? I mean aside from everything that happens in the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World movies.



Source: Kotaku

About the author
Felipe S.
Aficionado por games, e todas as co-relações a tecnologia e seus avanços. Admirador dos E-sports e suas ramificações.

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