Infernax Looks Like A Tasty And Expanded Take On The 8-Bit Castlevania Formula

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Berzerk Studio earned itself a pretty good reputation among some Switch eShop aficionados with Just Shapes & Beats, a rather cool title with great music and gameplay reminiscent of Super Hexagon. The development team is back soon with another intriguing slice of retro-inspired goodness in the form of Infernax, which is due out Q1 2022.

Published by The Arcade Crew - the indie publishing label of Dotemu - this one draws inspiration from the 8-bit era, with the original Castlevania trilogy springing to mind, but it's not just a straight homage. It's blending in mechanics and ideas from far more modern times, all combined with some rather tasty visuals. You can check out the trailer directly on YouTube (it's age-gated so can't be embedded).


Boss BattleInventory

Talk To BlacksmithVillage Saved

Images: Berzerk Studio


Below is some of the PR blurb.

Alcedor gains experience and gold vital for obtaining powerups as he slaughters foes, leveling up stats and earning new skills and weapons to help paint the screen red with blocky splatters of blood. Morality-testing decisions made during his quest prompt consequences later in the adventure and influence which of the game’s multiple endings players witness. Infernax’s open world-style design is packed with secrets awaiting discovery by its most kickass players, offering a satisfying reward for those skilled enough to endure a brutal challenge.

It's definitely on our radar for next year, let us know what you think in the comments.


Source: Nintendo Life.

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Toma Jogos de café da manha, almoça jogos e janta jogos, durante o tempo livre também joga jogos.
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