Incredible Bloodborne PS1 Demake Proves Shockingly Popular on PC

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In case you haven't heard yet, Bloodborne is now available on PC...well, not really. Bloodborne PSX is a PS1-style demake of the essential PlayStation 4 action RPG, created by Unreal Engine 4 wizard Lilith Walther. It's not a recreation of the full game — just a healthy chunk of its opening hours, with some new bits thrown in for good measure. The whole thing's impressively accurate — it even mimics the direction of certain cutscenes, and the gameplay feel isn't that far off the original release.

It's one hell of an achievement, and swathes of PC gamers are lapping it up. Bloodborne PSX is free to download (you can find it through here), and it managed to hit a whopping 100,000 downloads in less than a day.

If you want to see Bloodborne PSX in action, our very own video editor Aaron has you covered:


Now then, if Sony could just, you know, remember that Bloodborne exists, that would be great.

Source: PushSquare

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Felipe S.
Aficionado por games, e todas as co-relações a tecnologia e seus avanços. Admirador dos E-sports e suas ramificações.
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