Horizon Forbidden West's Stunning Sci-Fi Ecosystem Unleashed in PS5, PS4 Trailer

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This is a fantastic trailer! After teasing a bunch of new machines during The Game Awards last week, Guerrilla has unleashed an all-new Horizon Forbidden West trailer which fully introduces its absurdly beautiful sci-fi ecosystem. We’ve already talked up the new machines, like the snake-style Slitherfang, but this gives you an even better look at them – it’s an extraordinary artistic achievement, this series, isn’t it?




Horizon Forbidden West PS5 PlayStation 5 1

Horizon Forbidden West PS5 PlayStation 5 2Horizon Forbidden West PS5 PlayStation 5 3


We absolutely can’t wait to embed ourselves in this world, it just looks incredible. Even better, the Dutch developer says that this is “only the beginning” when it comes to Forbidden West’s selection of machines. Phwoar! Which mechanical animal are you most impressed with? Stomp in the comments section below.


Source: PushSquare.

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Toma Jogos de café da manha, almoça jogos e janta jogos, durante o tempo livre também joga jogos.
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Horizon Forbidden West

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