Genshin Impact trailer offers fans a better look at Zhongli's gameplay

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Developer miHoYo has released a new trailer teasing the coming of Zhongli, the next character headed to phenomenally successful free-to-play gacha adventure Genshin Impact.


Zhongli - monikered here as "The Listener" - is a handsome and stoic young man contracted by the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Zhongli commands attention and respect with a calm and authoritative air, taking to the battlefield to casually dispatch his foes with his exquisite staff-wielding skills. The preview ends with a glimpse of an ultimate technique which sees Zhongli turn his enemies into literal dust, all without breaking a sweat or setting a hair out of place.



Since its launch on PC, PS4, and mobile platforms back in September, Genshin Impact has already raked in the big bucks, earning some $250 million USD in its first month alone - and that's not even including its profit margin from the Chinese Android edition, expected to be one of the title's most lucrative player bases. With a Nintendo Switch port also on the horizon, Genshin Impact's... erm... impact is set to run well into 2021.


Source: Destructoid

About the author
Felipe S.
Aficionado por games, e todas as co-relações a tecnologia e seus avanços. Admirador dos E-sports e suas ramificações.
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