First-Person Adventure Call of the Sea Seemingly Sailing to PS5, PS4

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Greatness awaits.



Call of the Sea, the critically acclaimed first-person adventure game which first launched last year, is seemingly sailing to PlayStation platforms. A cryptic teaser on the title’s Twitter account exclaims: “Nothing but greatness awaits!” The former PS4 slogan is accompanied by a tilted image of what appears to be the PlayStation logo.



While it’s not an out-and-out confirmation just yet, we’d say it’s pretty inevitable, wouldn’t you? This title launched as a console exclusive on Xbox platforms last year, and attracted some rave reviews. It’s set during the 1930s – a unique time period for a game – and sees you solving puzzles to progress. It’s got a beautiful, vibrant artstyle to boot.


Is this a game you’d be interested in exploring on your PS5 or PS4? We’ll check in with publisher Raw Fury to try and get some kind of confirmation, but we’re going to assume all will be officially revealed later in the week.



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Call of the Sea

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