Far Cry 6 DLC Will Feature Previous Villains, Including Vaas

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Update: Ubisoft confirmed its post-launch plans for Far Cry 6, revealing today's leak is indeed true. But it actually gets even better because the season pass comes with Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon too. Cool!

Original story: A Far Cry 6 trailer has leaked ahead of tonight's Ubisoft Forward event that details the sort of DLC fans can expect to play after launch. And after the sort of throwaway expansions previous entries in the series have received, Ubisoft appears to be going big on nostalgia this time around. Footage details what appear to be dream sequences featuring Vaas from Far Cry 3, Pagan Min of Far Cry 4 fame, and Far Cry 5 villain Joseph Seed.


While the trailer in question has been pulled following copyright claims from Ubisoft, Push Square can confirm the contents of it. We have seen what the footage entails, and the three villains in question do indeed feature. An official reveal is likely taking place during the Ubisoft Forward showcase roughly seven hours after the publication of this article. It kicks off at 8pm BST / 12pm PT / 3pm ET, with a lot more game announcements and reveals expected. For more information, check out our E3 2021 Timetable through the link.




Source: PushSquare

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Felipe S.
Aficionado por games, e todas as co-relações a tecnologia e seus avanços. Admirador dos E-sports e suas ramificações.
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Far Cry 6

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