Cyberpunk 2077 Dev Reassures Fans It’s Working on Expansions and Improvements

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Following a period of silence, CD Projekt RED has reassured fans that it’s still working on Cyberpunk 2077 expansions alongside further game improvements. As spotted by folks on Reddit (via TheGamer), quest director Pawel Sasko said during a recent livestream that there is still work to be done on the game and the development team is engaged on a daily basis.

Cyberpunk 2077 expansions have yet to be dated


cyberpunk 2077 ps5

CD Projekt RED never officially announced a release date for any of Cyberpunk 2077’s expansions. However, they’re expected to launch later in 2022 or early 2023. In the meantime, Sasko has offered some solace by reassuring fans that the content is being worked on. “We’re still improving the game because we are all aware that there is work to be done,” he said during the livestream. “We’re very happy you guys liked [patch] 1.5, and that gives us more incentive to work for you guys because you show your appreciation for it. That’s as much as I can tell you: we are working on stuff for you. Like, I’m literally daily reviewing quests, talking to people about stuff, so it is happening.” Sasko went on to reiterate that he’s unable to share any details about CD Projekt RED’s future plans but but he can confirm “we are working on expansions – we’re working on stuff for you guys.”

Source: Playstation.
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Toma Jogos de café da manha, almoça jogos e janta jogos, durante o tempo livre também joga jogos.
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Cyberpunk 2077

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