CDPR Confirms Most Devs Now on Cyberpunk 2077 Expansion as New Witcher Enters Pre-Production

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CD Projekt Red revealed its current development structure during the company's latest earnings call. It comes as no huge surprise, but it was confirmed that the majority of its workforce is now committed to Cyberpunk 2077's first expansion — details of which supposedly leaked earlier this week.

Having just about everyone on the DLC would explain why the developer has been so quiet recently with regards to further updates for Cyberpunk. It's likely that the game's next patch will prepare it for the upcoming expansion, by which time it will probably have been officially revealed.

Meanwhile, the next Witcher game — first announced earlier this year — has now entered pre-production. This means that a decent number of employees will be assigned to the Unreal Engine 5 RPG as they finalise the game's concepts and lay the groundwork for full development. It's likely still years away from release, then, but it's happening.

Source: PushSquare

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Felipe S.
Aficionado por games, e todas as co-relações a tecnologia e seus avanços. Admirador dos E-sports e suas ramificações.
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