Beyond Good & Evil 2 Has Been in Development Longer Than Literally Any Game, Ever

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With no hint of a release date in sight.

Beyond Good & Evil 2 has officially been in development longer than any other game, ever, overtaking previous Guinness World Record holder Duke Nukem Forever (in the category of longest development period for a video game) for that particular dubious honour. Brendan Sinclair, the managing editor for, noticed the feat and put it quite succinctly:

Ubisoft first began officially discussing Beyond Good & Evil 2 back in 2008, which was before Push Square even existed (if you can imagine such an unenlightened, desolate age). A CGI trailer for the project was released, and that was kind of it, for years. Ubisoft maintained that the project was still in development, but outside of rumours and concept art, it wasn't until E3 2017 that we saw the game in any meaningful way, although even that was just another CGI trailer.

Again, things went quiet. In 2020 series creator Michel Ancel left Ubisoft, and the company maintained that "Beyond Good and Evil 2 is well underway, and we are currently concentrating on core development and production milestones."

Fast forward to 2022, and we brought you the news that the title was still in pre-production, and (six months later) had just found its lead writer. That's where things stand at the moment, and we still have no hint of a release date in sight. It looks like this particular record is going to be hard to beat, especially considering that challenger Dead Island 2 is actually releasing in February.

When, if ever, do you think we will see Beyond Good & Evil 2?


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Beyond Good & Evil 2

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