Apex Legends Bans Over 2,000 Players, Almost All Are on PS4

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Apex Legends has dropped the ban hammer on over 2,000 players – and almost all of them are playing on the PlayStation 4. According to Respawn developer Conor Ford, these bans were issued to players gaming the Ranked Points system in Ranked Play, and also for abusing a matchmaking exploit which effectively allowed high-rank players to join Bronze lobbies to farm.



Of the 2,086 bans issued, an eye-watering 1,965 were on PS4, which is a staggering percentage of the overall total. “These are matchmaking bans that have varied lengths depending on the extent of abuse,” Ford explained. “Sucks to miss the opening of a new season, come back next time around and enjoy the game how it’s meant to be played.”


Source: PushSquare

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Felipe S.
Aficionado por games, e todas as co-relações a tecnologia e seus avanços. Admirador dos E-sports e suas ramificações.
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